Wednesday, May 20, 2020

HonBons: Spontaneous Weekend Edition

There we were, sitting on the couch on a Thursday wondering what Don and Laurie might be doing when Dad said, "I'm going to invite them for the weekend."
Mom said, "Oh boy!" followed by "But it's too short notice. No one just leaves town the next day. They need time to think about it."

Don and Laurie arrived the following afternoon dressed like this.

We passed a few days like we always do, with sweet snacks and mobile conversation. We sit and chat here. We sit and chat there. Have a snack, play some cards, let's go sit and chat. 

I've been meaning to write my HonBon post for a while now, and each time I sat down to mull over what I learned, that same wonderful things happens where I can't really remember what we talked about. And certainly someone was talking the whole time. There were discussions about recent babies and new aches and injuries. I outlined my failures as a wedding professional and they told me some new songs to listen to.

Mom and Lollie and I went for a walk one day to pretend we were warding off the effects of the snacking. Dad and Don ventured off for man-time things and Dad's hunt for a freestanding cooler.  Eventually we all came to Black Pig Farms so Laurie and Don could admire Brett's assortment of house projects. So we sat here for awhile, you know, to chat.

Finally, baby Olivia got to meet her future favorite people and they looked so happy to hold that tiny bundle. Then Lee held a living room concert and we ate key lime pie.

And just as quickly as they arrived, Mama and Papa Hon pulled out of our driveway and back into the real world with its germs and rules and priority tasks. You forget about those kinds of things when the Hons are around. They create a vacuum of lightheartedness that allows your brain to ignore anything it would normally be fussing over. I'm not really sure how they do that. If they could bottle that magical power the world wouldn't need vacations or anti-depressants. It would just need Don and Laurie. And some sweet treats. And some time to sit and chat.

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