Saturday, March 30, 2013

Flights n' Things

I have an announcement. I have booked a flight. No no, it's not a flight TO Europe. It's a flight from Athens to Barcelona. Which means I need to get myself to Greece to catch that flight. It is decided. Mattie and I are headed back to Paros for the month of July. We messaged all of our buddies, told them were coming, and Yannakos found us an apartment to rent for the month.

Rip-roaring excitement I tell ya. So what's my plan you ask? Good question. There kind of isn't one. I know we'll be in Paros until August starts. The flight to Barcelona is August 3rd. Ideally, we'll stay in Spain for two weeks. Mattie has some friends meeting us there for that chunk of the trip but thats all we know so far. Mattie will have to come back to the states by the end of the month for her last semester but I, I will have no plans. Just open road and a sunburn. I may never come back.

Only joking. I'm far to poor to never come home but you know I will prolong this as long as possible. Real life is going to start when I get home. I've heard it blows.

In the meantime enjoy this picture of a cafe in Santorini. Doesn't it look fake? Mattie and I broke off from our sluggish classmates and found this little gem. I had a milkshake and Mattie hacked into their Wifi so I could call Ellen. I remember showing Ellen the scene during the call and she got mad at me. Like it was my fault. For the record, I told her she could come.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Negligible News

As of late I have kept myself busy with trivial school tasks and substantial social outings. My one and only note of importance; I finally received news on the Graduation front...

See the catch, if you successfully complete all course work currently in progress. Well I never! 
I'm very happy about this and have already found myself wondering if I'll miss school. HA!

I've also started attending my painting class. We actually have quite an exciting studio, up on the fourth floor of a building made of windows.

I frantically did this painting in one hour.

and that is because I recklessly stayed out late the night before. Allowing one of the friendly bartenders to give me a haircut on Surf Bar's back porch.

This seems like a bad idea I know, but he did a great job. And anyways, nothing can be worse than the haircut I let Jared give me with a pair of safety scissors one late night during my SCAD days.

Ari and I have continued to follow around our musical friends, singing songs and meeting new folks at every gig. We're groupies now. It's thrilling.

Basically I have no news. Ellen is about to close on her house, forcing me to move my all my crap once again. I am secretly pleased that I have to work all weekend so that I might miss out on the excessive heavy lifting and painting of the new place. It's a perfect excuse. Mom and Pops continue their daily activities and nighttime squabbling. Buddy has found a secret escape from the backyard and I often find him sitting in the road somewhere in the neighborhood when I come over. He knows the sound of my car and immediately sits down and hangs his head when my headlights shine into his eyes. It really makes me laugh. 

I must go now. I'm off for my Thursday. I wrote this post-tantrum mind you. Oh another day of cave dwelling. Did I tell you my drawing class is in a cave? Gosh it's dark in there. I hate it. 


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Pleased to Meet Ya :05

Describe yourself in a single sentence.
     -I'm always ready for an adventure.

What's your biggest pet peeve?
      -People that try to debate on anything. Can't we all just get along.

If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive...
     -Ellen Degeneres because there would never be a dull moment.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
     -Photo Journalist- traveling the world and letting others learn about it through my experiences. I mean COME ON.

What job would you not want to do?
     -Anything that involves "crunching numbers" -like an accountant or Bart the tax guy. I don't have
       time to smell like stale sandwiches and old coffee.

If you could travel back in time and meet yourself as a high school kid, what advice would you give you?
      -Start hitting the gym. You'll thank me later.

What do you want to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?
     -Awe Geez...looks like I lost that bet.

What do you love most about your Charleston family?
      -They're my home away from home.

Something you've learned about yourself in the last year...
     -That new beginnings and starting over is half the fun in life.

Laura: I have so much love for this fella. Jared has been part of the family for 5 years now. He just showed up took over. He's my fellow sister wrangler, travel partner, and the only good thing to come out of my time at SCAD. Jared has accompanied me everywhere from Scotland to Greece, on Caribbean adventures, sleeping in elevators, and late night runs to Fancy Parker's for muffins. My adventure and giggling soulmate. My Flying Pig.

Ellen: I love Jared! Jared is most entertaining on long flights, has a sensational karaoke style and the best heel-click I've ever seen (it's true). He and Laura are the same person. He's so funny. I'm jealous of his quick wit!

His Charleston Parents: Jared is always in a good mood. He is a world class shmoozer. It's unbelievable. Also, he is a bottomless pit. We make extra food on Sundays just to accommodate his hearty appetite. Our favorite Jared quote was unanimous throughout the whole family.

Upon seeing a midget cross the road he proclaimed, "Grant me a wish mythical creature!!"

Thursday, March 21, 2013

My Thursday Tantrum

I will accompany this rant with random photos. Just because.

Here's a Laura Fun Fact. I throw a tantrum every Thursday. Or Wednesday night if I'm not procrastinating.
You see, Thursdays I have drawing class. No, I'm not throwing the tantrum because of class, though I have come to regard that particular class with a seething hatred almost as intense as my disgust for the academic system as a whole. The tantrum comes from the drawing homework that I have put off for a week and usually have 2 hours to complete before I leave for the day. This is my fault I admit but the boiling rage I have for smearing charcoal on paper is so great that I avoid it until the last minute, causing an explosion of my cheerful disposition into something vile, nasty, and heartless.

Wednesday nights it starts brewing. I realize the countdown has begun when I go online to see what my task is for the week. A figure drawing here, a perspective drawing there, and don't forgot to keep adding to your sketchbook. A peeve of mine is the requirement to keep a sketchbook when enrolled in a drawing class. First off, I'm too busy doing our stupid drawing assignment to do extra "sketches" in my spare time. Secondly, I'm not carrying around a blasted heavy pad of canvas paper in case something strikes my fancy. Thirdly, a sketchbook should be whimsical collection of inspirational doodles that are lighthearted but well crafted. Not the burden of a requirement to be inspired or else you fail.

Last night I waited until 1am to start my assignment: copy a figure drawing by one of the Italian masters. I clutched the chalky charcoal stick in my sweaty palm and stared at the two feet of blank white page in front of me. I can't copy a Master's drawing. It's like asking your local Bubba to paint the Sistine Chapel. I'm not Michelangelo.
My tantrum continued into the morning, becoming angsty to the point of defensiveness. "I'm just not going to do it!" I claimed, as I rubbed another layer of charcoal across the page. "She doesn't realize what she's asking. She think's I have nothing but time." Truth is, thats exactly what I have. But the thought of spending my time, my precious time, on such a worthless effort truly insults me. I am insulted by the monkey tasks I am required to complete each week "or else". Offended, appalled, and downright angry about it.

I don't know when I began to hate the drawing. While I've always preferred painting, I'm actually better at drawing. It's easier but also more time consuming. Painting is colorful, untidy, and often surprising. Drawing has to be more intentional and planned out. In case you hadn't noticed, I like the unpredictability of spontaneity. Maybe I'm crazy, (though I prefer the word "artsy") but Drawing is like the 9-5 desk job I've never wanted and Painting is like being a travel writer or a scuba instructor or even working on a vegetable farm.

Why the rant Laura? Well I don't know. After all that, (and I did finally complete the homework- in my car today, ten minutes before class) I drove out to the beach, putting off class until next week, and enjoying my Thursday afternoon as a untroubled twenty-something in search of adventure and unapologetic giggling. Call me what you'd like, but ignorance really is bliss.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Feasts n' Things

For a while now I've been feeling feasty. Overwhelmed with the urge to cook up a big meal for all my favorite folks. But since they couldn't be here I settled for my family instead (only joking) and what better time for such a feast than a visit by the one and only Aunt Georgie. 

I thoroughly enjoyed my day in the kitchen. Like a good woman should. (Again, I'm joking) (I'm feeling kind of sassy today). And I was very pleased with the outcome. I wish I had more time to dedicate to food preparation of sorts. Speaking of which, I only have five more weeks of school. Outrageous! Perhaps Dad will hire me to be a live-in chef. And dog walker. Oh and grass cutter. I think I'm on to something. It's a good thing I'll have that art degree to help me weed the garden.

What a discourteous child. I wonder what makes you wake up to be so cheeky somedays.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Last Few Days

Have I mentioned how much I love my folks?
My phone busted and in an attempt to salvage my photos, videos, calendar dates, and notes of sorts, I spent my day at work yesterday transferring files. And moving furniture. And transferring files. It was most fun to sift through my Greecey videos and my Welshey videos (which I never did show you did I?) ( I'll get right on that) and then I discovered all that I had been capturing on the home front lately was dancing, buddy, and a little more dancing.

Do ya have three minutes?...

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Spring Fever

Spring is about to bust loose down here. I have an arsenal of bad movies that I watch when I get my first inkling of Spring Fever. My favorite of these cinematic masterpieces is called Into The Blue. Have you ever had the pleasure?

Now I know what you're thinking. And yes, I know, but hear me out. No, it's not just a bunch a bimbo's running around in bikinis fighting against a yacht full of angry drug dealers who lost their cocaine in a dramatic plane crash in the opening credits. There's more to it that that. This B movie epitomizes the life I dream of. 

Jet Skiing...

Scuba Diving...

A table of friends...

Paul Walker

Whoops! How'd that get there?

For some reason this movie complements my Spring Fever in such a way that makes me giddy and excitable and dare I say open minded. I think Ellen made me watch this movie for the first time a couple of Springs or so ago and I must have just started my fever for now it is instated anytime I see this attractive aqua-couple. Do you have something that makes you giddy for Summer time? A song? A book maybe? Oh yes, I have a Spring Fever Playlist. This one's a favorite. While it's not my normal musical inclination, it's just so happy and beachy.

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Little Things

I finally took some pictures for you! Buuuut then my camera died and I left the charger at my apartment. I would just go get it but I'm staying over here at Mom and Dad's on pet patrol whilst they are in DC. Did you know they are up north frolicking with the lovely Honbarrier folk? I am very put out about my missing out on this. I don't want to talk about it.

Yes Aunt Georgie! I did know you are coming on Wednesday and I am very pleased by this. Mom shared with me your list of demands and I will happily accompany the leisure club on these endeavors. You know I love eating out! I'm going to have to do some baking. Diabetes can wait.

I am officially on Spring Break now and am tickled to be released from such a harsh academic grip. Although I do have quite a bit of work I should be doing. I intend to venture out today to purchase my final four canvases. Isn't that thrilling? No more text books. No more classrooms. No more false pleasantries with icky guys and uppity girls. Well thats not true. The uppity girls don't talk to me. Talk about the stink eye.

Anyways, enjoy this picture of a pretty purple flower I rescued from the Melvin's parking lot. It's the little things...

Also I was given the distinct pleasure this morning of lounging in the sunshine. It has been a frigid week or so and I was beginning to fall into a harsh winter slump. But it was sunny when I woke up this morning and upon taking Budds out for a neighborhood jaunt, I discovered that it was hot in the sunshine. I cheerfully rolled up my pant legs and laid my lazy carcass on the front porch for a good half hour. 
It's the little things.


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