Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Employee of The Munch

When the weather turns delightful like this, all of your friends scurry out of the winter caves they've been hiding in and you get to see multiples of them in the same week. We've had lunches, brunches, sports days, happy hours, celebrations, and coffee meetups. You name 'em - if they live in town, it's likely we've seen them in the last two weeks. This is that hope-bringing weather where the world doesn't seem so bad, until you turn on the news and remember about Putin. 

Just another night. 

I've already had my first disappointed client of the month and have exactly 11 weddings left between now and June before I'm done for the year. (Except for Alex and Jessie's but that one is exciting.) Isn't that scary? Does this mean that Brett and I have come up with our adventure plans?
Nope. He's still right where he was when he suggested the idea but I have taken the whispers of freedom and found an entirely new life plan. We're amused that he was the one seeking change and I wound up being the beneficiary of his intention. 

Meanwhile, I've befriended a few of my internship classmates, planned a baby shower, had my teeth cleaned, was interviewed for a podcast, put my foot down with a sassy client (terrifying fun), won a Humane League campaign against the Cheesecake Factory, and had my TV debut. 

See that blur? Watch that screen. She's an extra in the scene. La Laaa!

I'm also in this blip. Where's Waldo?
Ellie and Caroline came over for a "viewing" party and then they fussed and screamed about my two-second appearance. Those are true friends.

Are you hoping for an update about baby Nick? I don't have one for you. As I've just pointed out, I've been busy. I went over to Ellen's late last week and held Nick while she entertained cranky Liv. Olivia is pretending to be upset about nonsense because she wants Ellen's attention. She wheezes and whines, not unlike Pippa, and you can tell I'm not her mom because I find it completely intolerable. Only because she faking. 
She'll be in a great mood while Ellen is gone and when Ellen comes in 20 minutes later, she cries and throws herself onto the floor. It is a betrayal of our good time together. Then I wiped up a bit of Stono's dog slobber with a pillow and Ellen got mad at me. Seems to me that everything is covered in spit in there, so I got mad that she got mad. 
So then I left. (I admit that it was wrong to dab the slobber.)

Brett continues to play the drums every other night or so. Papa Clint came over yesterday and played the electric guitar and sang while Brett thumped out the beat. It was a fun thing to hear. 
Here he is with his new book on dinosaurs. We both laugh when he references it. "I can't find my dinosaur book?" "I'm just reading my dinosaur book?" "Want to hear this paragraph from my dinosaur book?"

Last night we spent the entire evening coming up with a name for Brett's new LLC. He and Will Hon are doing some business scheming. We came up with so many wonderfully bad business names that the good names began to seem too bland. We laughed and discussed from supper to bedtime and our favorite name is simply, Munch Engineering. 
"Thank you for calling Munch..." Admittedly, we became delirious.

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