Tuesday, May 31, 2022

A Tiny Update

This weekend is my last wedding of the year. This bride doesn't really like flowers and the few that she did approve of aren't on the market right now, so it's possible that I'll be going out with a real bang. 
Later today I give my first grad-school presentation on my experience in education. I've decided to go with brutal honesty infused with humor, so it's a possible disaster.

The girls ensure that the new office setup feels cramped.

As of this morning, Brett and his two bosses are the only structural engineers left at the office. The other guy quit so all his work will fall onto Brett and a fresh-from-college girl they just hired. We don't really know what this means for Brett's workload. As a proud supporter of the "don't bite off more than you can chew" theory, I feel calm that he'll just get to projects when he gets to them. If the bosses want more done, they'll have to hire someone. But Brett is very integritous and will always do his best for people so I worry that he's going work too hard and crap out. 

Ellen and Lee seem to be out of the newborn trenches with both tots going to bed around 7:00 and sleeping through the night. Ellen still goes to bed promptly at 8:00. 

While Mom continues to worry about Bobo and spot assorted snakes through the windows, Dad flys around town "checking on things" and taking phone calls. He always says he has nothing to do but he's also never home just sitting around. It makes me wonder what it's like to be a person with energy. If small tasks didn't take up so much of your gumption, you probably would feel like a day was full of potential. 

Pippa after a big day in the wilderness.

I'm very much looking forward to the next six months. I have no real plans besides my school work, and it makes me feel college-aged again but without the angst and bitterness. I'm thinking of taking on a trivial part-time job (partially for the income and partially to keep me hygienic) and mulling over those kinds of options that you really don't care about is a whole new way of seeing the world. This must be how Dad feels. "I don't need to do this, so really I'm doing you a favor." I've always toiled over picking out jobs, having the interview, learning the tasks quickly, etc. Turns out a little indifference is good for me. 

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