Monday, October 19, 2015

The Love Story of Buddy and Grace

There once was a very rowdy dog named Buddy. Buddy was a spirited pup who longed for adventure and companionship. Buddy would wait until nightfall and break out of his gorgeous, waterfront dungeon and prowl through the night, quenching his thirst for intrepid trials and befriending nocturnal creatures. Buddy’s captors spent his daylight hours letting him swim, kayak, and jet-ski and though Buddy enjoyed these things greatly, he longed for someone to share them with. Buddy made a name for himself quickly, verbally introducing himself with grunts and wheezing noises. He cozied up to humans and did not understand why other dogs fled in terror as he tried to greet them in haste, so excited for a potential best friend.
One day, as Buddy stared out the window, letting out long sighs and rolling his eyes back to check to see if his humans were paying him any attention, Buddy heard the screeching of brakes outside in the front yard. His ears perked up and he ran to the door. Buddy watched as a black Jeep came to a stop in the driveway. Only moments later he saw her. She leapt from the car in slow motion, her shimmering coat catching the sun as she sailed through the air. Buddy whimpered. She looked just like he did. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She held her tail high and it curved back towards her as she bounded to the front door. Their bodies wiggled as they stared at each other through the window. Tails were wagging as Buddy talked and wheezed incessantly. “Play it cool.” Buddy’s human told him. “Don’t blow this.” but Buddy was already in love. Buddy found out her name was Gracie and as soon as the front door opened they took a moment, rubbed noses, and then bolted down the stairs and ran circles in the front yard.

Since that day Buddy and Grace have been happy lovers. They miss each other when they are not together and when they finally meet again, it’s like meeting for the first time. Buddy gets giddy when he knows Grace is coming over. Buddy learned the phrase, “Gracie is coming.” and he jerks upright and runs to the front door and waits silently until she gets to him. Sometimes the wait is too much to bear and Buddy will talk and moan until he finally sees her again. One day Buddy’s human slipped and told him too soon that Gracie was coming and Buddy spent exactly twenty-two minutes staring out the window, just waiting to hear her Jeep.
When they are together they play and wrestle consistently for the first hour or so, taking breaks only for water or a quick tinkle. Sometimes they wear each other out after a few hours of hijinks and so they stop to rest, side by side.

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