Sunday, April 17, 2016

Six Thoughts Starting With B

This post will cover the following topics: Buddy, Burma, Brett, a bouquet, a boyfriend, and a burglar and will be sprinkled with pictures of Brett and Grace Dock Time, plants, and other random photos.

I didn’t get around to telling you that Burma Dad ventured back to Myanmar to install running water and electricity in the orphanage he helped build last summer. I’m so far behind with my reports that Burma Dad has already gone and come back again. Here he is after just arriving home.

And here he is after I made them smile.

He came home early on account of his efficient working style and it being somewhere around 110˚. For Dad to even comment on heat must mean it’s unbearable and every time we spoke he would only say, “It’s so hot.”
The big guy could barely eat and his muscles started cramping from losing all those electrolytes. That won’t stop Burma Dad though who strung us along in the major task of placing an enormous water drum atop a forty-foot platform.
First, Dad sent this picture of the drum and the tower. 

This was a Before picture taken in preparation of the initial liftoff which we were only told ended in a major catastrophe and was accompanied by the ordering of a new water drum.
I sent the photo to engineer Brett while he was at work, surrounded by other engineers and before I’d even explained that the bamboo rod and pulley system had failed he responded simply, “Laughs were had by all.” 
After a second failed attempt, Dad finally reported that the mission was accomplished and holding back a laugh he says, “I can’t wait to tell you how we did it.” The strategy has yet to be reported.

Speaking of Brett, he and I took an extremely last minute trip to the fine state of Georgia. Brett “Thin N Tall” Eisenhauer has been offered a swanky job in small town Atlanta. I say small town Atlanta because the office is in a suburb of Atlanta but it’s also far enough out of the city, that he’d probably never actually go to Atlanta unless there was a good show in town or he had a craving for Dippin’ Dots.

Buford, Georgia has a population of 12,000 and was built along a railroad track. That’s really all there is to say about Buford Georgia. As one would, Beisenhauer wanted to visit the town before agreeing to the gig so I volunteered Ari’s home, just 50 minutes away in Athens, to save him hotel fare and give me an excuse to visit Ari on one of her more busy weekends. During this 36 hour venture I got to meet Nate, Ari’s newish boyfriend and boy do I like him. Nate has enchanting blue eyes and a gentle way of moving and speaking. He asks a lot of questions and stares at Ari when she talks, grinning and furrowing his brow where appropriate. The stories Ari has told me about Nate had already given me a fondness for him but watching them together as we strolled through a farmers market and later made five tiny pizzas for dinner, I felt calm and sure, as though Nate was always supposed to be a part of Ari and my duo.  After all, we’re a package deal. I’m going to go ahead and call this one. Nate’s going to be my soul mate in-law someday.

Now, back to Eisenhauer. Buford was really small BUT it had lots of pretty trees and shrubs and flower-lined streets, not that shrubbery really impresses Brett. We drove through the one block of historic downtown and then rode aimlessly through neighborhoods which ranged from good looking suburbia to doublewides on blocks. I think visiting Buford resulted in a net neutral. Now he has to decide if the Pros of the job in Buford outweigh the Pros of life in Charleston. We think the cons are equal and I think that he’s leaning towards Buford and that I need to stop befriending go-getters.

Four Recent Blurbs Per Big Lu

-This week I had a dream that Ellen was shot by a famous R&B singer and then a whale ate her legs. It was very dramatic and sad and I woke up disturbed for two days.

-This Cat Burglar invites herself into my home, investigates the entire house thoroughly, and then sacks out and gives herself a bath. I don't know her name or where she lives but she meows harshly at me from outside until I let her in.

-I was so excited about this particular flower creation that I felt compelled to take a photo of myself holding it, as though it was my own bridal bouquet. After I did this I felt uncomfortably girlish and ashamed but we've been getting the most beautiful flowers in lately. I find myself digging through the trash at the end of the day to take home the scraps and pieces. I mean look at those blooms.

-Earlier this week I was a small part of an awesome fashion photo-shoot for great cause. I’ll do a true post about it when the photos come out but for now enjoy this teaser.

Lastly, in this sporadic and reckless update, I'll tell you that Charleston has turned wonderfully green and the flowers are blooming and lots of pretty things like that. Mom insists she has nothing new to report on except that Bobo has started coming downstairs. Did you even remember that she got a cat?

Ellen has an official countdown to the end of her school year and until then has been making dramatic statements about not being able to bear another school year. She makes use of Dad's adjective 'crappin' and rolls her eyes and sighs a lot. Chris continues to tolerate this show but seems to be wearing thin on supportive listening and instead has begun working nights. (Only joking. He started working nights once they got married.)

Yesterday I realized that Grace and Buddy will have to breakup when Brett moves to Buford. I'm not sure how to tell him.

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