Tuesday, August 27, 2019

A Week of Cranky

Wanna hear about my bad mood?
I've been cranky for a full week on account of one of my Fall brides, mixed with poor sleep and mild boredom. It's a perfect storm to create a strange kind of bad mood where you're definitely cranky but nothing is actually wrong so you're still feeling optimistic except that your eyebrows are stuck in a furrow and your fuse is short. This morning's prayers for instance, started out happy and normal and before I knew it, I was discussing my annoyances and superficial woes and I came out of the whole thing angry. I told God I'd have to get back to him.

There's been a lack of Brett while he tries to wrap up any and all projects before his class starts next week. So his garage time has doubled, we've been eating dinner at 9:30, and he's going into to work extra early and staying late. Poor kid is a bit burnt out ... and then he has a cranky, bored wife glaring at him when he comes inside. We do find it amusing that his busiest time has lined up with my slowest time and I lack the capability to take anything off of his plate. I can't pick up heavy things or do math.

Additionally, I'm constantly burdened by Instagram and have a whole bunch of grand dreamy schemes in my head that I don't think will ever come to life. I've been thinking about life, which is a detrimental things for me to do, and I've decided the purpose we all think we know about why we're here is stupid and I'd like a better explanation. This leads me to thoughts on priorities and children and the collective sadness and stupidity of the human race and it all just becomes too much.
It's been an obnoxious few days.

I would like to add for the record, that I'm still an optimistic member of society and that actually, the past year has been the funnest and happiest time of my dern life. This reminds me of a time when The Crew was having supper together and Erik was more quiet than usual and we all became concerned and even a little annoyed that he wasn't trying to entertain us and then when I finally asked him if he was dying of cancer he pointed out that he is not required to be "on" all the time. (Which The Crew wholeheartedly disagreed with.)

Maybe Lu just needed a week off.

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