Friday, November 22, 2019

Oyster Roasts And Assistant Mom

A couple of engineering and architecture firms decided to host oyster roasts in the same week and the lovable employees of Brett's work place were invited to each of them so on the coldest week we've  had yet, we had to go stand outside and mingle. Brett has fun co-workers, most of which have a minimum of four children so there were lots of small people running amuck and other tiny people strapped to larger people's torsos. Also there was cheesy chili and some meaty, lush oysters. The most notable part I assure you was that Brett and I won the company corn-hole tournament for the second year in a row. So.
Here we are with our canvas bag winnings. The winners used to get cash so these are forced smiles.

Here we are with the top losers. That's Alex and Jessie flanking Brett and me, and on the left there is the Bossman and his wife. They're awfully nice. I worry about appearing overly happy and simple when I gather with a collection of bright minds like these but they do a great job of remembering the details of my colorful, fanciful existence and you just don't expect that from people that make sure buildings and roads don't collapse. Please take note of Brett's clothes. We dubbed him Khaki-Man.

Brett has a collection of bosses due to that ranking hierarchy that offices have but his direct boss, Chris, has become one of his great pals and they go off together on their lunch break to shoot guns at the firing range and admire the products for sale at Home Depot. Sometimes I meet them for lunch and I can hardly contain my laughter. I hear Chris stories when Brett comes home from work and then when I come around, Chris tries to pretend to be professional and watching him withhold his laughter makes me struggle with mine and we wind up alway beaming at each other and never saying anything. 
At the next night's oyster roast, a very cold occasion, there must have been 200 engineers and architects from around town and only 2 folks from Brett's office showed up. We didn't know anyone there and were uninterested in mingling. So we signed in, slurped down a few oysters, and then went out for tacos. 

Pippa made up for lost cuddle time. Grace punished us with her indifference.

Here is a photo of Ellen at the office.

And here's a photo of Mom hard at work for Lux N' U.

On this day we couldn't set the tables because the rental guys hadn't finished unloading them yet. So there she is chatting away with them, keeping everyone from getting anything done.

That's what's going on around here.

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