Tuesday, August 11, 2020


This is the first month that hasn't flown by. It kind of dragged on and on actually. It was busy. There was The Fourth to celebrate, my first golf outing (didn't go well) and weddings. There were friend visits and bike adventures and lots of time cuddling with babies and dogs. 

This month I lost lots of my Fall weddings and other than that whole monetary loss bit, I'm kind of delighted. I still have my morning computer work to do mind you, but my weekends are free! I've only got 6 events left between now and the end of the year and about 4 other weddings that I'm freelancing for. Some florist friends had multiple Spring clients postpone to the same weekends so all hands are on deck. 

Here is an arch we did for the world's tallest bridal party. The bride was over six feet tall. The groomsmen were a basketball team. Two of them were 7 feet tall. I don't know where they found an arch this tall.
During our other wedding on this weekend, Mom and I got so tickled together that we were doubled over, laughing so hard that no noise came out. There were onlookers who did not find us charming and it only made things worse. We couldn't carry our crates and boxes and had tears rolling down our cheeks and absorbing into our crappin' masks. We could maintain composure for just under one minute or until another human walked by and then one of us would hear the other wimper and cackles would follow shortly. If you're curious, we were laughing at Mom's hat. It's the little things.

Brett has settled into his work from home routine which has gifted me in multiple ways. Back when life was normal, we'd get up early and I'd sit in my morning chair and read while Brett futzed about getting ready for the day.

"You're so lucky," he'd say with an air of smugness, "I wish I could wake up and do nothing."

"You can Bubba. You just have to apply yourself."

He'd come home from work and the dishes would not be done and I wouldn't have eaten a real lunch and the dogs would not be walked and though he never complained, he asked me why these things weren't daytime tasks. I told him that I intentionally don't do house jobs during the 9-5 window (no laughing please) because it just takes one distraction and I won't get my computer work done. He'd roll his smug eyes at me and suit the girls up for a walk.

So when he first started working from home, he'd wake up, make coffee and get started. He'd load the dishwasher after a hearty home-cooked lunch and run the girls around in the yard. "Lu, can we load the dishes after we eat? It'll make it all go faster when we clean the kitchen tonight."

"It's not sustainable!" I shrieked and then we bickered a bit and went back to our desks. Fast forward five months. Brett wakes up and reads for an hour in my morning chair. He lazily makes breakfast and saunters to his desk at 9:00. He does not do the dishes after lunch. Most days we forage the pantry for a wimpy lunch. He does not take the pups for midday jaunts. He has commandeered my keyboard and my office chair and he seems completely oblivious to how he has fallen right into my work from home routine which I can guarantee you was established after much trial and error. I feel vindicated and my best friend is home all day. It's the greatest.

We got our first (and probably only) watermelon from the Spite Garden. It was alright. Small but sweetish. 

My friend Ellie (previously a semi-pro golfer (or something like that)) took us out for a day on the green. Brett and Ellie did the bulk of the golfing. Caroline and I held down the golf carts and offered narration services. We had lots of fun. Maybe I'll learn to play someday.

On a neighborhood bike adventure Brett and I and the pups found a dirt path that we just had to go down. We rode as far as we could into the woods and then ditched the bikes and continued on foot. We emerged at "secret beach" where we let the pups off leash and they leapt through the marsh grass and swam in the harbor. There's all kinds of exciting driftwood and seaglass and fiddler crabs there. We just keep going back. 

Below, in the cuddle section, you'll find Brett reading to Grace, Pip and I busted taking a nap together during work hours and finally, our new evening setup ever since I got rid of our second couch (for decorative purposes) and the pups still insist on being on the furniture.

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