Wednesday, July 29, 2020

So There We Were...

The 17th was Jessie's birthday. Alex had planned a wee surprise celebration with Brett and me. "We're having a fancy supper and I want y'all there. Dress up and sneak in while we're walking the dogs."
So we did. Brett donned a seersucker suit and I wore the dress I had wanted to use as my wedding dress but Mom told me it looked like a bathrobe. We snuck into their house and waited. Alex and Jessie have two dogs, Aiko and Sadie. Sadie is obsessed with Brett. She has a spastic reaction that is specific to Brett so when Alex and Jessie got back to their yard, Sadie picked up Brett's scent and did her Sadie-Brett Dance and then Jessie knew we were going to be inside. Sadie blew the surprise.  

Ne'ertheless she was excited to see us and she loved our sparkly top hats. (We wore sparkly top hats.) We visited and snacked and jumped in their pool and Alex slaved over scallops and risotto. He opened a special bottle of wine and called us out of the pool like a tired papa and made us put our fancy clothes back on. So we ate. And it was delicious. And we sang happy birthday and we sliced into the cake and then it was time for presents. She opened this one. She opened that one. And then Alex gave her a card to "read out loud." It was from him and it was beautiful. It was the kind of poetic musings that one saves for a proposal. Suddenly I got worried. Jessie has been wanting to get married and if Alex said all this and didn't follow it up with a proposal I was going to have to have to words with him. Jessie kept reading, happily oblivious to the weight of the romance. There's no way he can't follow this up with a ring. I think he might be going to do it. I gave Brett a strange look and told him "I think Alex is going to propose" with my eyes. Brett didn't get it at first and then I saw it dawn on him. Brett suppressed a big smile and Jessie read on. I noticed Alex was standing. I noticed Alex was holding a small cube. My hands started sweating. Jessie hadn't looked up. Brett put his hands on mind in an effort to say "don't blow this." I was SO nervous. Then he took this picture. 

Jessie got to the end of the card and looked up at Alex who then knelt and asked and she said yes and then we all hugged and laughed and felt my sweaty hands. 

Alex asked permission from Jessie's parents a few days earlier by sending a cover letter and resume outlining his qualifications for the job. It was funny and sweet and quite in-depth. They FaceTimed family and texted friends and then we played a celebratory round of Catan.  Brett and I were sure they were so distracted that we could crush them. They still won, as usual.

Brett and I are so crappin' excited. Alex and Jessie are a wonderful pair and while they planned to stay together forever very shortly after meeting, Alex wasn't sure about marriage (his divorced folks soured it for him) while Jessie has been sure about marriage and lots of babies the whole time.
Brett and I are relived. We thought we were gong to have to slap some sense into Alex. 

They''ll get married in Cooperstown, NY (where they're from) in 2022 which is way too far away. Maybe I do need to slap to sense into them.

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