Monday, January 18, 2021

United We Sit

In another month and some change, it will have been a year of the Covid life. Brett's been going into the office on Mondays recently and it's caused me much reflection and inner turmoil. Admittedly, I've grown attached to this conjoined way of living. Seeing as I like him and all, I really love that he's always around. Whether he shares this notion is debatable as I've become quite spirited in my downtime - which is more and more frequent. 

"Brett! How many people do you think we've spoken to in our lives that have killed someone?"

"Suppose the sky is as tall as the earth is deep and were just a smear of jelly between two slices of bread."

"Hey Bubbles? Can you explain an engine to me?"

"Where did you put that jar of long matches?"

I talk at my desk all day long and Brett usually grunts or acknowledges me in some way so that I don't get mad at him for ignoring me. This is usually my Lux off-season anyways but with the current state of things, I'm not doing a lot of bookings and proposals. It's not that I'm not getting inquiries. It's that I can't make money on a Covid wedding's budget so I'm just turning folks down left and right until full-sized parties with full-sized budgets are a thing again. If Brett didn't have a real person job, I'd have had to go find some employment which means I'd have looped back around to being a miserable member of society. 

So anyways, Brett's been enjoying a Monday furlough each week and it leaves me in a state of content paralysis. I have spent the last year running all of my thoughts past Brett for confirmation, negotiation, dismissal, or joined company. I only eat breakfast or lunch because he makes me, so today I floundered around for 30 minutes wondering if I should scrounge up lunch or if food would appear if I used The Force. I don't know what times to exercise or walk the dogs because those things are determined by Brett's workload that day. Because I can't walk alone, oh no. I'm dependent. I need my companion to execute any task or else I'll wind up on the couch watching home makeover shows. 

Also, we've had so much take-out in the last year. You know the smell of a hot paper bag? That gets me excited, cause I know there's a meal inside. 
I've developed a Pavlovian response to hot cardboard. 

At the very beginning of all this, I was much less productive with Brett home, what with his blasting conference calls and stressful work tunes. Then I turned into a very busy worker (mostly out of fear that he would notice my fondness for home makeover shows) and we found our rhythm in perpetual company. Recently he's taken notice that most of the things I say out loud don't merit a response which I disagree with and on those days I think about wapping him on the back of the head with any of the pieces from our cast iron collection. But with him gone, well. I've got Stockholm Syndrome. 

I'd forgotten how quiet it is to be in the house without my Jolly Lean Giant. I don't like it.
I've gotten spoiled.

Here is the latest in my perpetual home makeover with a budget of $0. I've swapped back to "light and airy" in the living room but I've decided it looks too girlie. In the dining room I created a cozy reading section.
We still eat at the coffee table.

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