Saturday, February 18, 2023

A New Phase of Aimlessness

Pippa helps me study.

I'm currently in the most challenging semester of school so far. I've never cared for challenges, but I do still love the program. Human Rights is the class that's really working my little goldfish brain. There's a whole lot of bad news involved, and we all know about the assorted bad news bits, but when you do a historical deep dive overlaid with policy making and corporate greed.... well. That's like... a total bummer?

Additional Lue responsibilities include: volunteer commitments, a few weddings here and there, organizing a speaker event at College of Charleston, an ongoing and halfhearted job search, a bit of political activism ( I hung out with Andrew Yang a few weeks ago!), and never-ending home repair and animal control.

The farther I get into my school program, the more confused I feel about what my next move is. While I'm learning a lot about things to advocate for and the importance of educating the'm'asses on the impacts of their decisions, I'm not learning what to do with that information. My "skills" aren't so obvious when it comes to changing policy. "How about a great story about echo-stones, Mr CEO?" My classmates think I'm great and they shower me with compliments after each of my presentations....but they haven't realized that my toothy grin and comedic timing don't equal out to any numerical data or economic strategy. I appreciate their appreciation for my disposition... now give me something productive to do. It's awful to care about something but have nothing you can do to help. 

Can I entertain people into changing their lifestyles to end animal abuse? Is that a thing? Would this involve more social media? I don't love that idea. So anyways, I'm in a new phase of aimlessness. Does this happen every decade or so? 

Ferguson hinders my studies.

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