Sunday, January 18, 2015

Bloggers Block

The last thing I want to do is to once again tell you that I have no exciting news. As I say this time of year every year, tis a dull time of year. I'll give you the usual family update, it's been a while I suppose, but after that I've got nothing. I've got a serious case of Bloggers Block.
When I started this blog all those years ago, I never imagined I'd be sitting here four years later still desperately searching for ways to make you two Idaho Mountain People miss life in the South and come on home. I get the feeling this whole "homesick blog" plan seriously backfired.

My riotous posting has been sparse as I am back in the dungeon working as a lunch lady for those surly Trident students. I will continue being a slop serving wench for the rest of the month of January, somedays working 10 hour shifts. I will save any commentary on this for another post. Just know, it's the pits.
To ease my workplace woes I've conjured up a few friends for a nearly-once-weekly dinner and game night. Rotating who cooks, who's house, and what games we play. I've not yet taught them Shanghai. It's not my game week yet. I'm on cooking duty this week.

Ellen has taken a job as an assistant property manager for a fairly large commercial real estate firm. I don't really know the details of this other than last week she was still planning on becoming a high school teacher and then Wednesday she had her first day training at the firm. She feels overwhelmed at the moment, which is to be expected. She is the assistant to three or four folks I think, and they all have thrown a lot at her at once. It seems like a good gig though and once she gets used to things I imagine she'll be running the place. A fun bonus is that her office is one block up and one block over from my cavernous cafeteria. I told her to come over one day and I'd make her a sandwich. I don't think she will.

The Chris and Chris Duo are carrying on in their usual busy fashions though both have taken to betting each other on the outcome of various football games. This has resulted in passing the same $20 bill back and forth for the last few months.

As for Moppy, well she's just kind of crazy. I feel like I've spent so little time with her since going back to work and the few times I've seen her she's singing wildly while cleaning the house. She encourages the vacuum cleaner, "Come on, you can do it! Just a little more." and seems to talk to no one while loading the various washing systems.
"Who are you talking to?" we ask her.
"Well, no one," she realizes and then laughs maniacally.

I'm going to try to get back into posting regularly. To be honest, I'm just so tired when I get home. I fall right to sleep.
For now I shall leave you only with our latest acrobatic act. This was just our first try. Give us some time.

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