Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I Take That Back

Something came over me just moments before I was due to meet with my friends for Halloween. I don’t know what happened or why or how but I got so darn excited about dressing up for Halloween that I drove ten miles to a costume store and fought through the last minute mob of costume shoppers to see what was left for sale. The possibilities were endless! Why had this never seemed fun to me before? There was so much potential!
I spent all that time ranting and raving about intentionally avoiding Halloween but I had never thought about the fact that I’ve been standing by my thoughts on Halloween based entirely off of my notions of it as an awkward child. Now, as an awkward adult I’ve never even given Halloween a chance! 

Imagine my delight to open my front door and find these two...

Brett and Hayden waited patiently while I threw together my costume and then we danced off to find Ellen and Chris and a few other friends.

I was beyond ticked by Cole's (the fella up there in red) date's llama costume. She went to an awful lot of trouble to create a paper-mache llama head but for a reason that was never explained to me, she made it about three feet tall. Her llama head loitered up in the ceiling with air ducts and light fixtures. She had to take the head off to go through doorways and the llama head caused a stir everywhere we went. She had to stop every few feet to answer questions and be praised for her "giraffe head." 
"I'm a llama." she would say. 
It amused me greatly and then she hopped on her bike and I lost all control.

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