Monday, November 16, 2015

Playing Catch-Up

Life's been so full of things lately. Lovely things in fact but I've been so busy I haven't stopped to think about them all. Most important for Ellen is that I inform you that she has redeemed herself from this cake... baking the same one again, this time with much success.

While we're on the subject of Ellen and cake I'll tell you that we celebrated Ellen's birthday a week or so late. We we're all busy and unable to dedicate our day to Princess Black Cloud. So Mom and Dad surprised her one night in October with a belated birthday cake and rather than being delighted, she immediately noticed a large smudge on the back side of the cake and was outraged about her "crap cake." 
"Shut up and be happy." we told her. That's how the Unions do birthdays.

Laura Fun Fact #64:
I take pictures of the Big Bridge while I'm driving over it. I'm somehow enchanted by it and can't stop watching the cables whiz by in my moon roof.

Laura Fun Fact #65:
I spent an entire workday making tissue paper pom-poms to hang from a tree for someones wedding. Pom-poms.
Eight hours.

A few weekends back my one true love came to visit and the same weekend, the old band got back together for a special show here in Charleston. I got to see a lot of old pals but Ari was the best part. We spent the whole weekend just talking and laughing. We went to our favorite breakfast spot out on Folly and then walked in the chilly sand for several hours only bringing our conversation to a stop when we realized it was almost 4:00 pm. I'm just so thankful for her. My life would be colorless without her.

In dog news, we try to coordinate play-dates for Buddy and Grace every week but sometimes it just doesn't work out. Buddy seems more restless in general now that Grace has come into his life. I suppose she brings him excitement and companionship and now that he knows the highs of life he gets especially down for the lows, the boring and lonely days. Buddy's eyes fill with hope when I come through his front door and while he greets me with jubilance he consistently glances behind me, out the door or through the window, wondering if I have anyone else in tow. When I do have an caramel-colored entourage (that includes Brett) Buddy knows we're headed out into the world and his excitement overwhelms him and he forgets all of his manners and all of the rules. He once jumped out of my moving vehicle when he saw Grace and Brett in a parking lot. The anticipation that builds as we ride to the Dog Park nearly kills him. Buddy drags me from the car to the park's gate and he barks and grunts and talks, frightening other dogs and humans while I remove his leash and let him go. He barrels into the crowd of wagging tails and he gathers together a group of pups and the pack runs large circles around the perimeter of the dog park and they splash into the water and swim and chase ropes and balls and tiny dogs and when Buddy finally comes home he falls right to sleep.

As for the folks, they both have been under the weather for their annual Sore Throat and Congestion Festival that they pass back and forth to each other for about two weeks. Dad will be rounding up his Lynchburg ventures in the next month and even he is excited to stay put for a while. Constant travel can bring even the most energetic optimist to drag his feet through the terminal. 
Moppy continues to delight me with her general outrage for the modern world and witty remarks about humans. She has been busy with her volunteer work and that wageless piano gig she never signed up for. Perhaps a month or so ago, she brought a new cat into our family. His name is Bobo and though I intended to introduce you to him ages ago with his own special blog post, he hasn't yet been brave enough to venture downstairs to join the family. 
All in due time I'm sure but I keep forgetting he exists.

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