Friday, September 13, 2019

Big Family News

Ahh Ellen. The most confusing bully I've ever loved. Her tiny body, her defensive grin. The way her eyes squish together when she smiles. I spend a lot of time thinking about Ellen. I fancy myself an exemplary people-reader but I can never quite anticipate Ellen's next move. What makes her choose eggs over fruit and yogurt? Why does she write so fast? Just how many craps does she have available to give each day? And most intriguing, who will she bring home next?

Ahh Lee. The most energetic entertainer Ellen has ever loved. Ellen brought Lee around in January and he's been performing for us since. Lee has a happy disposition, loves his Nana, and will happily carry the weight of a conversation because moody Ellen sometimes won't pipe up at all. Lee and Ellen have been smitten with each other since day one. Ellen started talking about marriage just two months in and Mom and I bugged our eyes out at each other. "I'm not going to get married yet. I'm just saying!" she defended.
Ellen and Lee go on to spend most of their time together and while Mom and I watched her fall in love, Dad remained oblivious and back in June, six months into their whirlwind love affair, Dad asked Ellen if she and Lee were serious. We all looked at Dad while crickets chirped. "Where have you been?"

So two weekends ago, LeeLee sent "footage" of the two of them and a song he wrote, and I made a little video montage that ended with a clip of Lee asking Ellen to come out to the dock; he's got something to ask her. We gathered for Sunday dinner and Lee was "running late" (he was on the dock) so I handed Ellen the video and she grinned and cringed as we all watched a slideshow of their adventures together.

Then she saw the ending bit and spun around and saw Lee way out on the end of the dock. Then she got all nervous and giggly and also a little bit angry that we pulled off a surprise and she had no clue. We had to push her out of the house towards Lee. "I'm not properly dressed!" she wailed.

If this dock could talk. What a special place.
I was creeping around in the yard taking photos with my zoom lens. They both caught me.

We had a big celebratory supper and precious Dad even baked them a tiny wedding cake. We also got a little goofy with the camera.

In even more exciting news, Ellen and Lee are using an already booked trip to Europe next month as their destination wedding. They are getting married on a Thursday morning in October in Paris, France. It's great news and all but we're all mad that we're going to miss it. Especially Dad.

Oh also, Ellen is pregnant and baby Olivia will be here in February.

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