Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Creative Things and A Lack of Concern

Does this feel like a cop out year of blog posts? Lately I've been marveling at my lack of introspection and deep thinking. I met with an artsy friend of mine to discuss artsy things and once on the topic of it all, forgetting about my home life and pets and family and whatnot, I swirled down the vortex of artsy struggles and realized that I haven't thought about, let alone sat to write about, these sorts of things in quite some time. Why not? I wondered as my art friend ranted on the trials of representation and character development. Well, I guess I've just been all distracted and happy. And that's when it hit me. Brett has ruined me. My friend kept talking while I thought. Have I lost my creativity? Am I no longer a tortured soul? 

I ate a bunch of candy, got a bellyache and then went home. I told Brett what he has done to me. As someone who feels no need to create something about their experiences, he was rather unfazed by my revelation and dare I say, felt no desire to take responsibility for it. 
This is as far as I have gotten on this. I'm making an attempt to incorporate small, manageable segments of creative time each day. It's a muscle, you know. Take that Eisenhauer.

Now that my Lux brain is sufficiently on auto-pilot, I don't have many mental challenges taking place and often times that pleases me. As you know, I enjoy wallowing in peacefulness and tend to reject anything that disturbs my tranquility. But that's just my sleepy, poetic side. I also have a side that likes adventure and change, so equally as often I'm bored by the stillness I've curated for my life. I'd like to start another business. Or maybe buy someone else's. But I don't really want to do anything most days so perhaps I ought not? 
I have come up with what I think is a genius website/service/app thingy for the wedding industry but it would be a large and long-term undertaking. Maybe that's not so bad but it would also rely on my own ability to consistently find people to provide services and I'm just not that popular or well-connected. Ah but what else do you have to do? Well that's just it. Nothing. And I love to wake up to a day with nothing planned. 
I wonder if I could start a business giving other people ideas. I have lots of ideas. I just don't have any concern or motivation. 

Anyways, I've been plugging away in the flower shop and am happy to have both shop assistants home. They always know right where to lay down. 

Coming up: A full report on doggy behavior camp and what it's like at home, notes from Brett's big test, the October report, and the latest misadventures of Brett and Big Lue. 

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