Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Oldies But Goodies

While I anxiously await my own decision making, I found myself shuffling through old adventures and I became equal parts giddy and frustrated. Just when I think I'm ready to hang my Europe hat for a while, I hear a particular little tune that I heard for the first time in Greece and I was slapped in the face with desire. I shalln't tell you what song it was for even I agree it is grounds for quitting a friendship.

But what of my South American adventures or heading out west for the summer? I've never had so much trouble making a decision, though you weren't here last week when I was forced to choose between pizza or wings. I'm convinced this just can't be done. I ended up with both options and the most delicious ginger ale I've had in sometime now. This all resulted in a grand and debilitating stomach-ache that accompanied me to bed, work, and then bed again.
I tried to hide my pain from the folks at work but nothing gets past them and they spent the entire day taunting me and rubbing my belly.

Oh perhaps we should make a game of all this. You tell me where to go, I'll tally the votes and book a flight. Gosh that makes my life sound so whimsical! ...Or perhaps snooty. Either way.

While I mull it over. Enjoy these Oldies.

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