Monday, February 2, 2015

Mentally Preoccupied

I was recently chastised for having not been keeping up with this blog. While I'll half claim it's because I'm busy, I'll also tell you that my imaginative juices have just not been flowing. I told you. It's called Bloggers Block.
So to give you an exceptionally brief update I'll tell you that life has consisted of many days in a lunch room, one especially cold wedding set-up, a far-too-brief visit from Mattie, and my first inkling of Spring Fever -partially brought on by this photo:

I've been doing lots of big thinking about what I really want out of life. I like to pretend that this is a mature reaction to my incessant whining about having to do anything at all when I'd rather be traveling and growing veggies in the backyard. I never wanted to stay in Charleston and have a real job but I've got a live one here that could lead to big great things.

But do I really care about big great things?

During the 45-minute Mattie visit we planned and then cancelled a trip to Iceland and Greece in March. We're both sort of free then. Well, I'm not but I could be if international travel was at stake. Mattie's lease in Atlanta is up in February and she's moving to Nashville in March. We thought we'd squeeze in a trip and then Dad told me I have a large payment of the Property Tax variety coming up soon in May. So that killed that. 
How much does The Man think I'm making here??

As for the rest of the clan, I've seen Ellen only once since she started her new gig. I run into Chris at work here and there and it takes so much for me not to exclaim "Well hey there Shambles!!" which I say to him every time I see him at home. Some of the folks at work can't know we're related and I almost blow my cover daily.

I think this is as close to Empty Nesters as Mom and Dad have ever been. Ellen and I both come over just once a week or so which is a weird thing for the Union family. Mom and Dad get so excited to have us come over that even Dad puts away his paperwork and sits cross legged, listening to us chat. They sit amongst piles of newspaper and balled up napkins and ask about everything from work to how my appliances are running. They've even tried to get me to spend the night despite my living just four minutes away.

I told them they're moving into Stage Two of decrepitude. 

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