Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Sometimes, when one big thing happens at the start of the month, you don't really notice much else in the coming weeks because gosh that one thing was huge ... and so tiny and so cute. But a week into this month lil Liv arrived and the rest has been a swirling vortex of tiny diapers and sleepless nights.
Not for most of us mind you. She's already bigger and older looking which is exciting and heartbreaking at the same time. I crappin' love this baby.

Other February moments worth noting are less than noteworthy. Brett has switched from late night studying to a 5am wake up call to study before work. Sometimes I get up with him, my disposition forgotten, and by 7:30am I'm totally pooped and have to go back to bed. I wait for him to leave for work before I crawl back under the big squishy blankets.

(He's also started on putting in some dining room shelves. It's been tricky because our house is comically crooked. I had the same troubles last year when I made our narcissistic family portrait wall.)

Where was I? Ah yes, Brett's been getting up early. Popples Union dances around town cracking his whip and one-liners. He loves hanging out with baby Olivia and has taken to calling me "Number 2." This is due to my birth order and not bathroom humor. He likes to pretend he loves Ellen most and told me I was "born number 2." He laughs loudly at this and then scampers off to make phone calls.
Big Mama has been dividing her time between Grandpa Bob and Ell-ivia. She has lots to do most days and ends her week by helping me with my weddings. I love having her with me because she is always outraged about some aspect of these weddings and it makes me laugh every time.

Here is a list of things that make her mad:
-Bridesmaids that wear the same pajamas while they get ready.
-Late rental deliveries.
-Lengthy "get-ready" timelines for the bridal party.
-Weddings that take up the whole day.
-A particular potty-mouthed bride.
-Non-traditional wedding cakes.
-Bridesmaids drinking champagne in the morning.
-Groomsmen drinking at all before the wedding.
-And she does not like to be rushed.

This past weekend's wedding forced me to acknowledge just how thankful I am to have Mom and Brett (and often times Pops!) helping me with the weddings. We had a particularly tight setup time and I got overwhelmed and snappy and stressed and they both kept calm and ready for my next barking orders. Brett stays up late to drive me to the teardowns (and does the bulk of that whole job) even though it's his Saturday night and he's sleepy.

Olivia had her first Family Dinner which really just means that she got passed around for a few hours. Buddy gets quite jealous when Dad holds her.

Speaking of Budds, he had his cancerous lumps removed and had to wear a t-shirt for a few weeks to keep him from licking his stitches. The t-shirts made his legs look extra skinny so we would laugh at him and he didn't like it. His stitches were removed last week and he's finally back to feeling groovy.

I came across this photo of Brett that I took when we first started dating and was shocked to see him with such short hair. I forgot he ever looked like that. He said he would cut his hair after he passes his test. The test is in April BUT he's just gotten to the point where he can tie it all back when he needs to so he's feeling rejuvenated about the long hair. Can't wait to see what happens.

In an annoying turn of events, LeeLee has the magic touch with Olivia and can soothe the fussiest of moments with his happy smile and gentle coo. Their sleep system works like this: Ellen sleeps from 7 to midnight while Lee cuddles with Liv. Then they switch and Lee drifts off to slumberland while Ellen stays alert, hearing every tiny grunt and squeal. Some nights, thing go awry during the midnight to 5am shift that Ellen works and neither she or Olivia are at peace. Sometimes the fussing goes on for hours and Lee will wake up to the racket, come downstairs, take little Liv in his arms, and she immediately goes to sleep. 
Makes Ellen furious.

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