Sunday, July 10, 2011

I'm Mad!

I've had no time for anything this week (as evident from my lack of uproarious, gut-busting, knee-slapping posts.) I've been seeing two things lately. This...

And this...

I've been having to go to work after my strenuous mornings-o-history.  You are right indeed Aunt Georgie! One of my classes is centered around food during the events of history and how they shaped things through trade and culture mixing blah blah blah. Actually, bits of it are interesting but as you can see I have no time to philosophize about life or find new vacation destinations. That one book, The History of Chocolate, has some fun facts in it. Lots of facts about the Aztecs and Mayans though now that it has moved on to those pushy settlers I'm really not that interested.

I've been having to go to work directly after class and though I love my new found place of employment, it really blows! Yesterday was the last day for blueberry picking which is awfully heartbreaking for me as I no longer get to stretch out and read under the shade of my blueberry tent.  I will now be at the big busy tomato tent, frantically bagging veggies!! 

As for the home front, Dad is busy building homes and Mom continues her own job search.  Our dishwasher bit the big one and left Mom to do dishes by hand.  Dad promptly went and searched out a "good deal" for some expensive Swiss dishwasher that looks very sleek and shiny.  This dishwasher has been the source of parental quarreling for a week now! Mom thinks it's too small (it really is- you how European appliances are.) Dad thinks it's too good a deal and also does not want to uninstall it to find a new one to reinstall. They won't stop this bickering. Last time I went home I noticed a big hole in the counter where both washers had previously been, so I suppose Mom won this one.

Anyways. I miss my dock and fun summer thoughts. 

P.s. I laughed out loud at your "ear-bob" comment as well as the "dump date".  I definitely need see how this is done.

1 comment:

  1. As you know, life is not always a bucket of blueberries, so just hang in there. This too will pass and you'll be taking 5 classes instead of two. Same old same here. Mr Bill has gone to town on his motorcycle. I hate when he rides that thing. I have a cat standing in my lap as I write, so excuse typos pls. So Nan is "looking" for a job what kind of job? I guess Ellen is moving this coming weekend...what fun! Send pics of the new digs when you can.



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