Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What's Wrong With This Picture?

I'll tell you what's wrong!  I have 8 books for my summer class! That's what's wrong. It's sick. Sick I tell you!!

I started my History classes yesterday and if you can't tell, I'm feeling a bit hostile about it. Just cut out my summer there why don't you! Starting at 7:45, I show up and sit, and listen, and then at 9:30 everyone in class gets to leave but not me. Oh no. I remain. And there I sit for 15 minutes. All alone, before a new crowd of slackers and overachievers alike file in for their share of History. Though I'm finished at 11:30, I have mounds to read and 6 papers to write. Height of rudeness. 

As for the fourth, Granny and G-Bob came over as did Paul and we all had a nice dinner and then attempted to watch the fireworks from the dock. Turns out Paul is afraid of fireworks as they remind him of being in Afghanistan thus, Ellen took him inside shortly after going out there.  Mom got something in her eye and left for a good half hour before she returned.  Grandma was very worried about being on the dock in the dark and was quite anxious the whole time.  We promptly headed in after the fireworks ended. As you can see by their expressions, they had a great time.

No really...

In other news, we've gotten our first batch of boiled peanuts which are disappearing rapidly. 

Ellen continues her job search as she waits one more week to move into our new apartment.  In the meantime Sadie is providing many laughs. 

And good thinking. I bet Alston would love kayak surfing! We'll have to get him on that promptly! And I'm glad you're finally getting some less-offensive weather. Let's see if y'all can go an entire year without breaking a sweat. 

1 comment:

  1. Miss Sadie is too cute! What kind of history are you taking? I see a lot of food oriented (no pun) stuff there. Someone needs to raid Grandma's "ear bob" collection and remove most of them. Is the new place ac'd? I sure hope so. And the sweat has already been broken here. It is quite hot, just not humid, so one does develope a glow about themselves when working outdoors. Today we are making a dump run with our garbage. It is quite the event for the folks around these parts and is sometimes referred to as a dump date. We'll make sure it is on your itenerary when you come out to see us.



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