Sunday, July 28, 2013

Those Other People

As I've only been talking about myself lately, I shall now make an attempt to update you on the actions and successes of others. Make it seem like I'm not so self-focused. Although I will state here that my bike was stolen- right out from under our carport. What nerve!

Jared is really really loving New York. Yankees aside, it's everything he's ever wanted and in true Jared fashion, he stumbled right on into a new group of friends within hours of his arrival. He has finally found an apartment only a few blocks away from his buddy's places and across the street from "Peaches Hot House. I don't know what this is but I like the sound of it. I have since been referring to Jared as Peaches. Point is, he's very happy with his big move and I can't wait to go visit! (see, I made it about me).

Ellen has had a wishy-washy attitude about working for the old man. Somedays aren't so bad but mostly she has discovered that she is not so aggressive and confrontational with strangers as she is with us. This whole time we thought she was like Dad. Turns out she's a softy and doesn't like upsetting others. I believe she is now considering a move of career paths though I'm not really sure because she doesn't talk to me. I merely receive aggressive and confrontational comments regarding my lack of sympathy and "experience" with such trials. Some softy she is.

For a moment there, Mom's Next Big Thing was a tent rental service. This ended quickly when she realized people had to set up the tents and make sure things would go well for whatever event was taking place. This she decided would be too stressful and has since moved on to songwriting.

In his nighttime boredom, Dad has taken to reading books. This is quite an accomplishment. A year ago he lacked the ability to sit still long enough to read at all. The trouble here is that the books bring on the most extreme form of the Male Dial Out feature to date. He will not hear anything except the words on the page. For instance, I always take Budds for a walk around ten, but last night Mom went with me. (This is because she was afraid the bicycle bandit would grab me too). We said to Dad, "Were taking Buddy." and he grunted. We laughed on our way out that The Bandit could waltz right on into the house and clear out the place before Dad even looked up. Upon our return we informed Dad that Buddy ran away from us and is loose in the neighborhood. He grunted. A minute later he looked at Mom and asked her where she went and why Buddy was gone. "Weren't you listening?" she replied.
"No." he says, matter of factly.

Aribelle has purchased a new car and had to drive her old one back up here this past weekend. I had Ari-time for a few days!! She left promptly though as she has gotten a job back in NOLA and must be home Monday for work in the morning. These whirlwind weekend romances with Ari are bittersweet things. We have so much fun!! And then she disappears. I'm excited for her though. I like her shiny new car.

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