Thursday, July 10, 2014

Lonesome Ventures

As a lone gal in Portland I've really outdone myself. I've watched movies, googled things, called friends, taken naps, eaten snacks, and done some balcony sittin'.
Portland is actually a relatively quiet place. Downtown is busy and the highways stay crowded but everyone goes to work in the daytime and at night they eat vegan meals on flower covered patios and then disappear into their houses.
I 'aint got no friends, money, or jobs to do so I'm drowning in my own boredom. Since Omar's departure I've got no errands to run or deadlines to meet. I keep thinking about what I would do at home on a day off and I came up with kayaking, napping, and sitting with Mom.

So I found a big hill that looks over the whole city.

It is a park with hiking trails and lots of sunny grass to lay on. It's also where they keep the city's drinking water. There were three big reservoirs, one with a waterfall raining down into the big bowl.

I spent lots of time here sitting in the sun and cowering the shade. It's been quite hot here actually and though it's not like breathing through a wet washcloth like at home, it's still rotisserie-like. It's quite chilly at night and I sleep with the windows open so the cool breeze blows across my face and makes getting out from underneath the warm covers nearly impossible.

As for my plan, I'm staying until the 20th. Parv is coming up from San Fran for a visit sometime next week and then I'm off again. I've made no official Workaway plans but fear not. I have a stratgey.
Sort of.

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