Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Garden-y Things

I am now at a point in life where not only am I perpetually disgruntled, but I also have no free time. Thus, I ditched my math class and went for a walk. Look at all the greenery!

In other news, Ellen has become resentful of the fitness world and is moving on to bigger pastures, or at least ones that allow you to eat the grass. She's had a few interviews with some hotels but I have not received any word on their outcome.  Mom has made some really nice pieces of jewelry with Nana's coin collection. I'm quite smitten by the rings she has made and I believe she'll be taking her craft goods around town to art shows and craft markets. Move over Harry Winston!
Dad continues piddling in all sorts of projects. Last I heard, his basketball team is undefeated and the house he's building is really taking shape. It's all quite exciting. Lukas leaves Sunday for Wales and he hasn't even considered starting his packing list.

In Boone Hall news, Boeing has rented out the plantation and grounds this weekend for some family affair for which there was a total RSVP of 7,000. Yish. Needless to say, I have to work Sunday as well as my 8-7 shift on Saturday. I better be able to buy a pretty expensive plane ticket after all this. Last Saturday, I did not end up helping out Gilberto on account of a power line falling and blocking one of the dirt roads. While he worked on that, I helped make life size ghosts and stuff children's Halloween costumes with hay.

And as for my scholastic update, I must admit there was a close call on Monday. It just so happened to be the last day for 50% tuition refunds. I did some serious debating. I came to the conclusion, that nothing is worth the amount of stress and distraught energy that I get from school, so I would simply withdraw from my classes and work very hard for the rest of my life- so long as I liked what I was doing. (If not, Mom better make up my bed. I'm coming home!!). I was quite giddy (for the first time since school started) and I was talking and laughing with myself as I drove home to tell Mom and Dad the news. I only talk to myself when I'm really confused or really excited. I kicked down the front door, made my announcement, and stared confidently at my parents faces. Then Dad pointed out that he only pays rent for children who are in school and that I would have to get a second job to be able to just make my rent payment. If I got a second job there would be no time for planning trips, I mean, my future and therefore I would be in a vicious cycle of working and breaking even. Hmph!

I went to class the next morning. 
A little bit heartbroken.

1 comment:

  1. You kids are soooo funny. Welcome to the real world. Do you think that we enjoyed school? We all hated it too, but we stuck it out. Mainly that's what employers are looking for. Unless you are in some really specialized field (engineering), they don't care what you know, just that you will stick with something and do your best. No one wants to hire a person and train them, etc, only to have them quit because they don't like something about the job. Nobody likes everything about their job.

    Sorry but that's the way it is....unless you marry a rich man.



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