Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I have made it through an entire week of school. And thank goodness Spring Break is next week. Wouldn't want to do that more than twice in a row. Also, I have written my first (and unfortunately not last) short story. What would I do without Grandma for material?

I have no other updates or pictures. It's been cold and rainy. I'm convinced I almost blew over the side of the bridge driving to work today. No one else around me seemed to be battling the monumental gusts that were blowing me in and out of everyone else's lanes. Boy was I stressed out when I got to Mt. P. That was a high pressure situation. No pun intended.

Anyways. What will you do for spring break you ask? Well I'm not sure. I let it slip to Val about my vacation time and now I work everyday that week! Except Monday. I don't really mind though. I'm more excited to not have to do homework for a week. This has been a homework intensive semester. But I do need to take Ari on an adventure.

Did I tell you she's moving to New Orleans in May? I know and yes. I'm heartbroken. I encouraged this outrageous behavior a few months ago when it was but a wee idea in her kooky mind. You see, Ari also thrives on adventure. And she never wanted to stay in Charleston. Upon watching her slug through each day I said, "Ari! You need an adventure!" I need one too but you see, as long as I'm serving time, I can't really leave the state. I said, "Move somewhere exciting and take a great job."

I'm not used to people taking my advice. Usually I'm scoffed at, mocked, or physically harmed (in cases involving Ellen). But she listened. AND I TAKE IT BACK!!!!! You don't need adventure! You don't need a job that makes you happy! You need me!!!!! Ok ok I need you but still. But still Ari!!! Needless to say, Ari has created an adventure list of things we must cross off before she leaves. Thus, my spring break...and the upcoming months of Spring weather.

That was a little ramble I went on there wasn't it? This is what happens when I feel pressure to entertain you people. "Not enough posts this month Laura." I've been muttering to myself. If you notice, to the right there is an unnerving little chart/list of the number of posts per month per year. Last year my goal was to do at least 8 a month and if more, an even number of 'em. This year I was simply aiming for an even number above 6. Oh the complicated games I play with myself.

And with that I will leave you with one of my favorite pieces of art. Ever heard of Banksy?

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