Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Farewell to Wales

A Farewales!

I have arrived back in my humid homeland. I have been here approximately two full days and am currently enduring the third. I'm still on my trip high. Dad has already pestered me about job hunting and Ellen has already demanded I stop what I'm doing so that I can pay her attention. I see it's all how I left it.

I reluctantly finished my wheel of Green Thunder and threw the round wax casing into the trash can. I took one last walk through the park, had one last frozen Mars Bar, and a final outing with Lukas n' friends. I left behind bright flowers, meat dishes, and charming accents.

Saturday morning Lukas and I took a train to London where we rode the tube to the airport. Goodbyes are always the pits and I became nervous about the probability of catching a flight and sad at my mental picture of Lukas riding the two hour train alone, arriving in Cardiff and walking back to his flat where he would flop down on the sofa and fall asleep after a whirlwind month, jam-packed with adventure.

It's all over now. I managed to catch both of my flights on the first try and on one of them I sat next to a really nice black man with the biggest bottom lip I've ever seen. The nine hour flight to Atlanta seemed like twelve and though I was highly uncomfortable, I had the most delicious calzone. Once I landed in Charleston I walked off the plane, through the terminal, and was slapped with a wall of humidity when I stepped outside of the airport. I haven't felt sticky in a month. It sure smelled good though. Salty air and fresh cut grass.

I think I'm happy to be home but I just can't tell yet.

Until next time Wales...

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