Thursday, September 5, 2013

What Now

It's been four days. I still haven't unpacked, though I have dumped everything onto the floor so that I might survey it more completely. I've gone right back into the slump that oh oh oh!!! Get this!! Yesterday I spent one hour vigorously sweeping out one of Dad's house projects. I've seen sand boxes with less dirt than this house! I got an insta-blister on both hands! The point is, it was 97˚ degrees yesterday AND I was on the top floor of an un-air conditioned construction project, zealously pushing around pounds of debris. I was sweatin' bullets.

I also spent an hour outside playing Hopscotch with a six year old boy who lives down the street. I'm announcing this because, I did all this and I didn't faint!! That's quite an achievement really. It instills in me some confidence which means a lot after a summer full of panic attacks.

Now perhaps you're wondering about the little boy. His name is Finn and I am his newest babysitter. Ari used to pick Finn up from school and keep him in the afternoons. When she moved away, musical friend Julie took over. Shortly after that, an accidental flashing occurred, scarring little Finn's eyes and rendering him intolerant of Julie's presence. Now it's my turn.

I'm going to tell you a secret that renders me a sorry excuse for a woman. I don't really like children. They're like fish. I know they're swimming around with me, but I prefer not to think about it. Don't bother me, I won't bother you. I won't wear shiny objects and you don't make any noise. I've always been this way. I don't even recall a whole lot of sensitivity towards my baby dolls as a child. So perhaps you're wondering why I've agreed to monitor the little fella. To be honest, I don't really know. But Ari liked him. And she agrees with my fish theory.

Once I get Finn's schedule down I intend to get another part time gig for the mornings before I pick him up from school. As of right this minute, I've got to take him to art camp. Guess where that is? Only about 6 minutes away from Boone Hall. I just can't escape that drive!! I can't escape Mt. Pleasant!!

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