Thursday, June 23, 2011

Beaches and Boat Rides

Being that it was an island we visited, there were numerous beaches at every turn! Magens Bay is apparently a top 10 beach in some count-down somewhere.  It was conveniently located just around the corner from our abode so we went one cloudy day.

Mom, Jared, and I swam. Carolyn entertained the thought and Ellen and Kim stayed on shore. After this we went and had milkshakes and promptly returned for some pool time.

Mom and Carolyn practiced their synchronized swimming.

One day Jared took me to a little beach off the beaten path. This beach could only be reached by a short little jaunt through the tropical woods and also, a treacherously steep flight of stairs.

One day Jared's family invited us out on the boat with another fun couple to go over to the back side of St. John. Carolyn sat this one out for fear of becoming seasick. Though Ellen, Mom, and I were also worried about this, we went ahead anyways. It was a really pretty ride around the islands and into this beautiful bay where we anchored.  We were all having a nice time talking and laughing, except mom who was painfully quiet and a little green. Mom had gotten seasick as soon as the boat stopped. She was the first one into the water as she was hoping this would make her feel better.  Once lunch rolled around we all got out to eat, except Mom who was still just floating.

She and I decided to swim to shore so she could be on solid ground and we slowly made our way to the tourist-cluttered beach. I felt silly arriving to the beach from the sea, but most people didn't notice.  Once on shore, Mom ditched her floatation device and scurried up to the top of the beach, under a tree, where she promptly hurled up her breakfast 4 or 5 times next to a black man with dreadlocks who was smoking weed. She felt much better afterwards but was now too weak to swim back.  Jared had made the swim over after while and was standing with me, away from mom's job site. He sweetly swam back to the boat (which was no minor swim mind you) and collected grapes and hamburgers and then swam them all the way back, holding the plate of food above his head the entire way.

After eating, the three of us made the trek back to the boat where Mom received a few good hearted jokes about her condition.  They decided to break up the party early to take Mom back to dry land and Mom felt terribly guilty. We made way back to the marina and said our goodbyes. I suppose this is their last visual of my mother who was now exceptionally sunburned for she could not get out of the water long enough to reapply her sunscreen. We decided there would be no more stationary boats for mom. 

We came back and told Carolyn who was torn between laughter and pity. The day then carried on as usual and we had a lovely sky that evening.

1 comment:

  1. Bill wants pics of the subject matter, ie the boat. Gee what a swell day that must have been. I hope Mom buried her job.



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