Friday, June 24, 2011

Last One, I Promise

As my final trip post I shall supply you with trip fun facts and random pictures. And sorry Uncle Bill, I didn't take my camera on the boat day.  I forgot it in our shuffle to get to the marina by 8am!!

Fun Fact #1
Kim got too hot on day three.  She couldn't sleep and the heat was stifling her.  The next morning she called the airline and had her flight changed to the very next day!! Yes, Kim left after 3 days!  Can you believe it!!

Fun Fact #2
Carolyn was the driver of our rental car that we so patiently waited for. All in all, she did very well driving on the left side.  We gave her gentle reminders to "keep to the code" meaning "keep to the left".  One day we took a wrong turn and went up close to a 90˚ angled one way street the WRONG way!! This incited panic amongst us as we knew we couldn't turn around.  Luckily no one came down the road while were going up (straight up) but the car rolling backwards once we made it to the top caused nervousness for everyone and hysteria for me.
Also, only one time Carolyn forgot the code and pulled into the right lane, heading straight for a tour bus. We all began screaming and Carolyn froze.  She did finally pull to the left once once she understood why we were screaming. We calmly and casually greeted the tour bus and then burst into a fit of laughter, imagining the bus driver looking into the car and just seeing wide, open mouths.

Fun Fact #3
We had a number of dance parties in the afternoons involving Carolyn's Mick Jagger impression and Mom doing an impressive Barbra Streisand. I filmed all of these however I will not post them here for the sake of not embarrassing them. Remind me though the next time I see y'all and I show you.

Fun Fact #4
Ellen and I got into one big fight, though neither Mom or Carolyn were very concerned. (Ellen started it.)

 I'm sure there are many good stories, like Carolyn trying to hurl our garbage into a dumpster or the homeless man who charged us to park our car, but some stories are better told in person with impressions and facial expressions.  I'm sure y'all will hear all of them when those two goons make their way over to you next month.

1 comment:

  1. That's it? I am going to miss the trip debriefing. We have both enjoyed it immensely. Too bad about Kim...she has burned any chance she had at being a Leisure Club member. You gotta be able to suck it up & carry on. Thanks for all the good pics and amusing commentary.



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