Saturday, June 4, 2011

Busy Busy!!

Oh it's been so long since I've attempted to entertain you with the rip-roaring happenings of your family. I'm terribly sorry.  I've been so distracted by the Honbon's visit and starting my new job that I haven't even been taking pictures!!

I finally did take a few at my new station today with my phone.  I've been working in the vegetable stand out in the fields of Boone Hall.  Today was the first day they left me out there by myself and I think I did well, apart from the one guy who I charged over $3000 for his corn.

I sit under a big green tent and wait for people to come buy or pick the produce of their choice. Here was this mornings selection.

Though my tent is right off 17, if I turn around I have this nice view...

All the people who work there are quite friendly and helpful, especially the migrant workers who are eager to tend to my every wish.  They all have such nice white smiles.
It takes 30-40 minutes to get there and it gets very hot out there in the sun, but so far I'm tickled to pretend I work on a farm. 

In other news, Ellen has dropped off her silly cats to stay here with Dad while we're out of town.  Sadie has been sleeping up around my head at night and Benny lets me pet him until he decides he has had enough and then he violently hisses at me. Tomorrow is our last day with the Honbon's so I think they are going to come over here for dinner.  They have been infinitely amusing and I'm quite sad to see them go. 

Mom and Dad are headed over to Carolyn's this evening for a summery meal and refreshments! Ha! I've not yet decided if I'll go- I've got quite the headache.

P.s. Mom made the same "silver or gold jewelry?" comment just the other day. Oh you two.
Also, I never answered you, Ari has gone off to Hawaii by herself for 3 weeks for her own personal adventure. She has a cousin out on Oahu that she is visiting.

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, the vegies all look so good! I would love to get my hands on some of those little pickling cucumbers. They are scrumptious. I hear you found a new apartment on Broad St. hope you girls can work it out together.



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