Friday, August 5, 2011

The Grand Tour

Taaada!!! Ok, it took almost a week but here it is. Our Charming abode. Ha! These picture may prove it to be otherwise. I should point out first that moving into this particular building was much like signing a one years contract on the set of a sitcom.  Other than one woman in the front of the first floor, Ellen and I are the only girls.  The other four units are filled with the Jordans and Alstons of the world. It's really great fun! 

I've found that 3 of the guys in particular tend to sit out on the porch when at all possible.  I trip over their crap on my way in and out and must always stop to say Hello.  The crap either changes places daily or does not move at all.  All 8 of the guys in the 4 units are great friends and rotate between whose unit to hang out in thus, in the evening time when more friends come over, the party spills out onto the porches and into driveway. The driveway is a goldmine of crap.  It's great fun being around all these spirited fellas.  They always have something amusing to say or do.  I have repeatedly found a kitchen knife stabbed into different parts of the tree outside. Also, all of them have 1 or 2 animals- dogs and cats, that run freely in and out of any and all units (including ours.)
Ok. The tour...

The front is mostly covered by lush greenery so here is more of a side view of our crumbly, I mean, picturesque home.

Ellen and I are the top front unit.
As one moves down the driveway, you impose oneself to the most popular of all porches, the porch with the most commonly modified crap of all. 

The phone book was there when I toured the place months ago and the stash of butts just continues to multiply.  
As you round the corner and go up the stairs you see our personal view of broad street...

And our own personal porch (that we share with Colin, our resident dude.)

Dad is begging us to let him pressure wash.

Upon entering our dwelling, one is directly exposed to the living room and a giant mirror that was left here by the last tenant.  We believe this is because it was screwed directly into the wall.

 The cats especially love this big chair by the bay window. Benny likes to watch the traffic below.

And our little kitchen...

There's then a tiny hallway with our bathroom in the middle and our two bedrooms on either side.  The bedrooms are very small but practical and bright.  Ellen would not let me take a picture of her room but you can imagine it looks like mine, though she keeps hers darker and messier and simply is not concerned about hanging pictures.  Hmph!

That concludes the grand tour. Yes, it was brief but had it been too detailed I would have found it difficult to make it seem charming.  Many aspects of this place are less than picturesque but there is so much entertainment about, I'm not sure I would change a thing.

Also, our resident slugs have taken to the place quite well and constantly need affection.  I have discovered that they cry when Ellen first leaves for the day (never-mind that I'm here) and Sadie still joins me the bathroom every morning, noon, and night.

Sadie, in her casual kitty pose.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice little apartment and it even comes with it's own entertainment! Once you get to know the other tenants, you will have a great time living there.

    I LOL at the Sadie photo. Her expression is a classic.

    If I were you, I'd be giving the dudes notice and beg Dad to power wash the least the floors.

    I hear Ellen has a new job. Is she still bartending too? Maybe she could teach Nan the ropes and she could get a job in a bar too.



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