Monday, August 8, 2011

Buddy's Big Wash

This weekend was very busy. Between jobs, chores, and the nightly show that takes place downstairs, Ellen and I are just swamped. On Friday I went to visit Ellen at her weekend bar-tending job in the Market.  It was particularly loud in there thus, I did not stay long. While walking up our driveway I heard voices and laughing. A bunch of the guys were sitting out on the porch drinking and telling stories. So of course I joined them. I plopped down and joined in on a girl-bashing discussion. "They whine and complain all the time" one of them said. "My girlfriend nags me to death!" said another. "Girls are impossible to please!" I added.  It was a great time. I sat out in the driveway with these guys until 3:30, when Ellen got home and broke up the party by driving through it.

Saturday we both worked.  Ellen has taken a job as a personal trainer for a company in Mt. Pleasant, though in a few months she will get transferred downtown.  She loves it so far.  Part of her training for the job though is to do the diet she will be putting her "clients" on, so that she will know it well and understand their point of view. Well, I had just gone to the grocery store when she brought home this list of "Foods to Avoid".  Needless to say I am now the only one scrambling to eat my "offensive" foods before they spoil.

Yesterday we went home for some much needed dock time.

Dad, Buddy, and I jet skied whilst Mom and Ellen watched from the dock.  It was very nice out and we all enjoyed ourselves, that is, except for Buddy who discovered that he was getting bath. He was most unamused.

Then Budds decided to sample the local fare.  

Buddy went nuts. He loved the taste of his soap so much. He was trying to lick it off of himself and eat it out of Dad's hand. 

Ellen eventually had to restrain him...

...until Dad finally rinsed him off.

Once inside Dad made a colorful meal that we ate with gusto.

After dinner we pestered Dad about anything and everything we could find to get him riled up. We love doing that. Dad sent us gals home with bags of food and veggies and a bunch of meat that he cut into just the size Ellen is allowed to have on her diet and then individually wrapped for convenience.  What a sweet man. Ha!

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