Monday, August 22, 2011

Le Weekend

My weekend as "Grape Girl" went as follows: Wake up 6:45, get dressed, scrub teeth. Drive to Mt.Pleasant- avoiding all school-mom traffic. Collect my scale and money box and then hike it down the dirt roads to the tent by the woods. Count the money, bag the buckets. Sit and wait.  Wait, wait, wait, customer, wait. I realized about 10:00 that I had no bathroom. I realized I would have to go in the woods and pray that no one came by to pick grapes. I held it. Wait, wait, wait, saw a cicada, wait, wait. Ari brought me lunch around 2:00 on Friday after I realized I couldn't leave my post. She also stood guard while I ventured into the woods for relief. Saturday was a bit worse. I never got the chance to go to bathroom. I held it until I got off at 6:30. And I also never had lunch. It was hot. At least I'm being paid. They might make me do it again next Saturday. Awe Geez!

In more important news, I've continued my wandering which really means that I meandered down to my mopey bench to brood over the fact that school starts tomorrow. Hmph!

In other, slightly exciting news, I've recently been loitering around this place, so much so that the bartenders and waiters greet me by name when I come in. I'm not sure whether to be tickled or embarrassed by this.  Anyways, I brought them some muskadines to concoct into a drink, which they did, much to the delight of my newly established muskadine palate. They told me to name it and they'd see about putting it on the menu. Ha!! It's called a DeVine Sour. I thought that was pretty clever. Anyways, Saturday, before heading over to my modern version of "Cheers", Ari and I ate here and my life is now changed forever. If I ever have to choose a last meal, it will indefinitely be bread and cheese. Maybe a little cookie dough.

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