Thursday, August 18, 2011

Veggies n' Things

I survived the farmers market. It was actually quite enjoyable apart from the influx of picky people. I've learned that you should never give people too many options for they begin to pick and choose. I don't know how many people began haggling me for deals despite my clearly set prices. This isn't the Grand Bazaar, it's Mt. Pleasant.

Anywho, as the summer has come to a close, there are only three of us gals left to stand around selling these marvelous veggies. Everyone else has gone back to school or is moving away. I have been given the dubious title of "Grape Girl" for the upcoming weekends. Meaning, in essence, that I am in charge of the grapes? I don't really know. I do however, get to sit back in the woods again near the blueberries that I liked so much. I'll keep you posted.

In the meantime, I took some pictures at work yesterday. Never-mind the red tint, it's my red tent.

Also, look at the pumpkins coming up! They only planted them a few weeks ago. I've been watching them come up quite quickly. In the background there, the guys are building a "Haunted House."  Halloween is just around the corner.  From what I hear, the guys enjoy scaring the "white" people.

1 comment:

  1. Do these people know that you will likely eat all of their muscadine grapes. It's the fox guarding the hen house all over again.



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