Friday, August 17, 2012


The gateway to Florence.

Carolyn, Dave, and Coleen jetted off to Florence early in the morning. The rest of us stayed put. Livorno isn't exactly a destination. It's a gateway. To Florence. While no one else ventured off the ship, Jared and I took our chances in town after a morning of leg wrestling and watching Ellen dribble breakfast jellies down the front of her T-shirt.

Livorno is a Riviera suburb. A West Ashley if you will. It's a busy little town full of cars, trash, and people with things to do. We did stumble upon a big colorful produce market however I was the only one standing around, entertained by the fruity colors. Everyone else was getting their crap and getting out of there. We only stayed a short while as we weren't entirely comfortable. Jared said that he got the feeling that even an old lady might try to mug you in this town. As a note, no such thing happened and we were perfectly left alone. Don't want to give those Livorna'noids a bad name.

We had a pool and ice cream kind of afternoon complete with the "Guess That Gender" competition I had with myself on occasion, by looking only at the backside of the decaying folk that went inching past. But haste! Those Speedos can be deceiving. 

Around 4 or so, a group of us decided to go up for Afternoon Tea. We waltzed on in to a delightfully bright room with expensive table settings and waiters in ties and cufflinks, and upon hearing the lull of the string quartet and the clinking of fine China Dad says, "I'm out." and headed for the door, grabbing a handful of finger sandwiches on the way. The rest of us had a great time as the poor waiters were so bored that we witnessed much dancing and roughhousing. Once they noticed our approval of their bad behavior they brought the party our way and heckled Mom about dessert cakes while another continuously dropped chocolate croissants on my plate over and over and over. Perhaps because I continued to eat them, I admit, I kind of spoiled my dinner.

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