Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Here I Go

Ok I'm ready.
Actually I'm not and I'm extremely queazy. I have a horrendous 18 hours of travel time before I make it to Athens. I am not excited about my flight over. I've never been on an overseas flight by myself before. How on Earth will I maintain a satisfactory entertainment level? Hmph! I'm probably going to be seated between two obese, sweaty europeans who's stomachs spill over into my lane. They'll both be swarthy men with loose button down shirts and a gold chain entangled in the grey hair around their necks. Worst of all I bet they'll be big time talkers. And they'll be drinking. I'll have to smell that for 8 hours. I'll have to squeeze past them to go to the bathroom and otherwise be blocked in to my tiny airplane seat for hours and hours with no way out!!!!
Don't think such things Laura!!

I've said my farewells to the yard and the dock and my giant pink Kayak. I said goodbye to my apartment and all of its roving felines. I'm almost done cramming everything I love into my tiny backpack (Thats right. 2 months worth in one bag. The leisure club trained me well). Worst of all I've been saying goodbye to Buddy for 3 days. I just can't leave him!!!!

Anyways, we had a nice dinner on the patio complete with an oversized peanut butter and chocolate cake I made in pre-celebreation of Dad's birthday and also The Passing of the Afro ritual that takes place on occasion.
As a note, Ellen's all-conquering suitor joined us for this meal. He is very nice and pulled off the Afro better than the rest of us. However, I have been forbidden the publishing of photos containing his face and also photos of Mom in the 'Fro. I know. I know. But what can I do?

Alright alright. I'm going now. Hopefully it won't be too long before I can show you around Parikia. Aunt Georgia, I hope you and Uncle Bill are having a good time on your Alaskan adventure! Be careful up there.


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