Monday, May 13, 2013

Honbons: And Other Dental Atrocities

I always have this dejected feeling when the Honbarriers go away. How  does a family of goobers make me so happy with such effortless charm? They headed back up to Virginia on Saturday after a Mothers Day/Graduation lunch of sorts. It was the first time in the whole week that I ate a salad rather than some kind of beef or sugared candy. While they claim they don’t eat like this at home, I was forced to schedule a dentist appointment mid-visit so that I might counteract the cavity that was surely brewing in my molars. I’m telling ya. M&M’s, heath bars, cinnamon rolls, chocolate bars, jelly beans, pies, cheesecake, Carmelita’s, and sickly homemade Reese’s cups. Oh and ice cream. Don’t forget the ice cream. 

We spent the week eating and lounging and playing an endless number of games of Shanghai. There was much movie quoting and stow-rie telling. My efforts to withhold my cackles failed on a daily basis and Dad's efforts to eat sensibly slowly withered overtime. Once again, Will outraged us with his unnaturally large appetite, perhaps partaking in one too many racks of ribs on "All You Can Eat Rib" night at Melvin's. "It's not gluttony if you keep it down." he says.

Laurie continued her food pushing throughout the week supplying us with treats for the card games, sweet rolls for the mornings, and gooey Carmelitas for dessert one night after putting Dad's brisket to shame with her own. She's an enabler. I was most entertained by Don's muffled, running commentary of observations about life, witty puns, and quips that only the most patient listeners get the joy of overhearing. There's generally a low rumbling hum in a room with the Hons. It's Don. Just-a talkin'.

I already miss these folks desperately. I woke up Sunday morning, wiggling with excitement, and then I remembered they were gone. I slugged out of bed that morning, muttering to myself and wishing I could relive the whole thing. 

You just wait HonBons. I'm comin' for ya.

1 comment:

  1. These goobers loved laughing every day with y'all. We must plan the next HonUnion. Normally, someone would have to go to a bowling alley to meet someone of our stature.



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