Sunday, January 13, 2013

Newfangled Undertakings

I've got some tantalizing tidbits for you today. But first...

Laurie, I would be more than tickled to post said offensive sketches but instead I have decided to use them as leverage. Really they just reinforce the despicableness of my existence. But I hereby promise to proudly present them to you and your family upon our next meeting. Perhaps this is incentive for our ever-postponed ski trip. Hmm???

In tidbit news, I have two nuggets of excitement for you. First of all, Ellen has decided to cash in her sensible waitress shoes for the luxury of working for the infamously aggressive Christopher N. Union. Thats right. She has accepted an offer to be Dad's property manager. She starts February 1st and has to go to Realty school for a few weeks before beginning the onslaught of her new Boss Man Dad relationship. I fear this will turn our Sunday Night Dinners into business meetings. I also fear Ellen being unable to accept Dad telling her what to do. It didn't work in high school and she's only gotten She won't even let him have the remote. Either way, I'm secretly uplifted by the impeding struggle for control. If nothing else, this will provide me with an unlimited arsenal of quips to be proudly recorded right here, on this internet space.

My second nugget is kind of horn-tooty but I'm very excited about it. It seems that my photographs have been accepted into one of the art galleries Downtown. I give all the credit to Mom who undertook much research to determine where my "art" would fit in. The Gallery man gave me an oversized contract (that I have yet to read) and I can put my stuff up in February or March- whichever suits my fancy. So how about that?

And most exciting of was 77˚ this weekend.

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